A celebration of love, lust, nature and the joys of the tavern through dark, uplifting and mischievous song, music and dance. In November 2017, a 177 person community choir, 60 person community orchestra, 14 professional musicians and 3 professional soloists, 2 musical directors as well as ourselves and extended Gracefool family, gathered in a beautiful church in rural Avesta, Sweden, for a site-specific restaging of Carl Orff’s choral masterpiece, Carmina Burana. Commissioned by Folkärna Kyrka.
“Jag satt där igår och är fortfarande omtumlad av den fantastiska konserten! Tusen tack! I sat there yesterday and am still dazed by the amazing concert! A thousand thanks! ”
Päivi Marita Hyypiä Pettersson
“Så vackert allting var! En fantastisk upplevelse! How beautiful everything was! A great experience! “
Mia Törnqvist